Home Business When Do You Really Become Financially Free

When Do You Really Become Financially Free

Several business elites have tried to come up with various definitions of financial freedom. All in all, one of the best definitions is that given by Robert Kiyosaki, the writer of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. In the book, he simply speaks about the general financial situation of an average dad. The definition given for financial freedom in the book is that it is a situation whereby an individual’s expenses are less than his or her passive income.

Group of handsome young men in suits and bowties drinking whiskey and smiling while spending time on outdoor party

The term ‘financial freedom’ has become a very popular term in the world today, and especially in the financial sector.
Many use it when referring to financial success.

However, they really do not know what the true meaning of financial freedom is. In the real sense, there are several
Definitions of financial freedom depending on the individual’s understanding of this term. There are those who think
Of financial freedom as a state wherein is completely free from debt. On the other hand, others think that financial
Freedom simply means having a huge bank account from which you can comfortably live off.

Personally, I do not concur with these definitions. Think of it this way; human beings are never satisfied with money.

No amount of money is enough!

Several business elites have tried to come up with various definitions for financial freedom.
All in all, one of the best definitions is that given by Robert Kiyosaki, the writer of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.

In the book, he simply speaks about the general financial situation of an average dad.

The definition given for financial freedom in the book is that it is a situation whereby an individual’s expenses
Are less than his or her passive income.

Woman at sunset with amazing city view, enjoying warm days, freedom, positive vibes

This definition contradicts the popular ones that simply state that financial freedom is a state in which one tends
To be rich enough, with a fat bank account able to sufficiently sustain him and his family.

According to Robert’s definition, one does not necessarily have to be rich in order for him or her to be financial free.
All that is required is for one to be organized financially and you will be on your way to financial freedom sooner than
You expected.

In order to understand Robert’s definition, it is necessary that you first understand the principle behind.
There are two kinds of income stated in the definition; residual and passive.

What is the difference between them? Passive income is one that one gets from various business sectors that he or she
had taken part in without necessarily participating in the actual business.

A good example of such an income is the money one receives as dividends from shares.

As for the residual income, this is just but the normal type of income that one gets on a regular basis, normally on
a monthly basis.

Therefore, the amount of money one gets from the two should be more than his or her monthly expense in order to achieve
Financial stability.

This can only happen if one has a well laid out budget accompanied with discipline.





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